Moonsighting for Jumada-al-Thani 1432
1432 AH

The Astronomical New Moon is on May 3, 2011 (Tuesday) at 6:51 UT. On May 3 it can not be seen anywhere in the world except Hawaii. On Wednesday, May 4, 2011, it can be easily seen all over Asia, Europe, Africa and Americas, but not in Austrailia. and New Zealand, where it will be easily visible on May 5 (See visibility curves).

Sighting Reports

The earliest sighting of the new crescent was on May 3 (Tuesday) by telescope only in Tucson, AZ, USA.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011:

  • Canada:

    1. Not Seen: HiMY SYeD (MCW member) from Toronto Ontario reported: We've had rain all day in Toronto, all the way into the evening hours. Due to complete overcast skies at sunset, no moonsighting was possible.

  • UK:

    1. Not Seen: Aziz Raje (MCW member) from Ilford Essex reported: We had clear skies in the south of England and some places in the North but despite that we had negative sighting in the UK. We have also received fax confirmation from Morocco of negative sighting and other countries east of UK. Wifaqul Ulama have therefore decided that we will complete 30 days of Jumad ul Ula and the 1st day of Jumad ul Ukhra 1432 in the UK will be on Thursday 7th May 2011 Insha Allah.

    2. Not Seen: Qamar Uddin (MCW member) from York reported: On Tuesday 3 May 2011 (29 Jumada Al-Ula 1432 AH) many people from throughout UK have attempted to sight the crescent moon (Hilal) of Jumada Al-Ukhra (or Jumada Al-Thani) after sunset. None of the groups were able to sight the Hilal, even though some places had clear sky conditions.

      We have not received any reliable sighting news from countries east of UK or Morocco either. Fax received from Morocco Awqaf Ministry had negative sighting reports from all the 278 points within the entire country.

      Therefore, the Ulama (including Wifaq/Batley) have decided that the month of Jumada Al-Ula 1432 AH will complete 30 days and the month of Jumada Al-Ukhra 1432 AH will start from Thursday 5 May 2011, Insha-Allah.

  • USA:

    1. Not Seen: Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) from Blacksburg VA reported: This evening (Tuesday, May 03, 2011), the sky was totally cloudy in Blacksburg, VA, and thus there was no chance of sighting the crescent moon.

    2. Not Seen: Mohamedraza H.Janmohamed (MCW member) from Sanford FL reported: The Moonsighting Sub-committee, Sanford, FL wishes to inform the community that there were no reports of the sighting of the moon on Tuesday, therefore, upon completion of 30 days of the month of Jamadi-ul-Awwal, the 1st day of Jamadi-ul-Aakher is THURSDAY, May 5th, 2011.

    3. Seen (w/Telescope only: Jim Stamm (MCW member) from Tucson AZ reported: Observed: Tuesday; May 03, 2011 - 19:18 (Local Time). A few clouds near the horizon, but none interfering. Crescent first observed through 8� SC telescope at 19:18 when Moon Altitude was 4.1 degrees. Final observation with telescope was at 19:38 when Moon Altitude was 1.7 degrees. I pre-aimed the scope the night before. The crescent was invisible in the eyepiece Field of View (FOV) from 19:14 until 19:18 when it became visible right in the center of the FOV. The length of the crescent was about 30 degrees initially. It grew southward to 60 degrees by 19:20, southward to 80 degrees by 19:23, southward to 90 degrees by 19:24, and slowly northward to 100 degrees by 19:28. For the next ten minutes the length of the arc of the crescent did not seem to grow at all. I lost the moon in the trees at 19:38. I tried to view the crescent with two different binoculars and my finder, without success.

    4. Not Seen: John Caldwell (MCW member) from McDonald Observatory, TX reported: On May 3, sunset 20:16 CDT, moonset 21:19, using 8x30 binoculars I could not see the crescent. There were some cloud bands but also clear bands, clean air; surprised I could not see it; looked the entire 43 minutes lag time. I knew where to look but just used, hand held binoculars, not mounted. I don't think mounted, more powerful binoculars would have helped. the cloud bands must have signified more blockage than I realized from the overall fairly good appearance in the lower western sky. I expected it to be visible and was disappointed, but it shows that one can underestimate bad effects from "a little" cloud

    5. Not Seen: Mohammed Yahya Shaikh (MCW member) from Culver City CA reported: The moon was not seen in Anaheim and Ontario Ca on May 3rd 2011 despite favorable sighting condition. I attempted to sight the new hilal from 7:50 to 8:00 PST.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011:

  • Australia:

    1. Not Seen: Dr. Shabbir Ahmed (MCW member) Imam of Rooty Hill Mosque Sydney, NSW reported: The Hilaal of Jamaadiyul Ukhraa 1432 has not been sighted anywhere in Australia on May 4. After receiving the confirmation of the moon not being sighted, the Hilaal Committee and Majlisul Ulamaa� of Australia have hence declared that the month of Jamaadiyul Ukhraa 1432 will commence from Friday 6th May 2011.

    2. Not Seen: Engr Manzoor A Mian (MCW member) from Melbourne, VIC reported: Melbourne was cloudy and rainy on May 4th. We were unable to sight crescent. Report received later that the crescent was not sighted anywhere in Australia, hence the 1st day of Jumma dil-Akhir is Friday, 6th May 2011 in Australia.

  • Canada:

    1. Seen: HiMY SYeD (MCW member) from Toronto Ontario reported: On May 4th, after praying Maghrib at Masjid Toronto in the Downtown Core, I searched the clear evening sky without being able to spot the new crescent moon. The height of the office buildings initially prevented me from searching for it properly. About 10 minutes of walking west, past Chinatown with its smaller buildings, I easily spotted the a very thin crescent hanging high in the North-West sky. Beautiful. My phone had died otherwise I would have been able to include a photo with this email. By the time I got home, I could no longer see the new moon in the sky.

  • India:

    1. Seen: Iqbalhusen Bokda (MCW member) from Gujrat reported: Moon for Jumada-as-Sani has easily been seen today on Wednesday 4th May here in Godhra, Gujrat and many parts of Gujarat.

    2. Seen: Shahid Ali Farooqui (MCW member) from Amravati, India On the evening of May 4th,at Amravati,Maharashtra( India ) at 19-05 Hrs(ISD). I saw the moon of Jamade UL Akhir. One end of the moon was at 03 & opposite end was at 09 of the watch.

  • Kuwait:

    1. Seen: Hussain Khushaish (MCW member) from Kuwait reported: In Kuwait city On Wednesday 4 May 2011 , this time I went for moonsighting without binocular and without determining the location of the crescent I reached the site at 18:15 and I could not determin the location of the sun above horizon because of haze, our local sunset was at 18:27,I saw the crescent with naked eyes at 18:45 ( 18 minutes after sunset), last seen with naked eyes at 19:08 ( that's 33 minutes before mmonset), moonset at 19:41. It was difficult to see the crescent although it was supposed to be an easy one because I had to scan wider area and the western horizon was hazy and nowadays this haze is becomming unfortnately perminant in our city due to high rise buildigs and human activities.

  • Malaysia:

    1. Seen (w/Telescope only): Firdaus Mazlan (MCW member) from Johor Bahru reported: On Wednesday, 04th May 2011 (29 Jumadal Ula 1432 H), my friend (Mr. Jamaluddin bin Abu Bakar and so many government people) have seen the new moon (hilal) of Jumada-al-Thani 1432 H at 7:57 pm using optical aid (18" Reflector Telescope). The location at Baitul Hilal, Teluk Kemang, Negeri Sembilan (02:26:43.0 N, 101:51:16.0 E). However, we cannot see the new moon with naked eye. So, tomorrow is still 30 Jumadal Ula 1432 H. We follow Fatwa Ibnu Hajar Al-Haitamiy in his book, Tuhfatul Muhtaj Fi Halli Alfazi Matnil Minhaj, in Chapter Fasting. The book indicate that, �Not valid with binoculars to see the new moon.�

  • Malawi:

    1. Seen: Yusuf M. Lambat (MCW member) from Blantyre reported: On Wednesday, May 4, the crescent was sighted by me and three other persons including Maulana Ishmail who is on our Hilaal Committee. It was very thin and became more visible as the evening progressed. After sunset it was after 15 minutes we saw the hilaal and remained there for at least another ten minutes. It was also quite high. Thursay is 1st of Jamad ul Ukhra in Malawi, Zambia, Mozzambique and Zimbabwe.

  • Mauritius:

    1. Not Seen (Rain): Goolam Tegally (MCW member) from Port Louis reported: Hilal was not sighted this evening Wed 4 May here in Mauritius due to rainy weather. We will therefore complete 30 days of Jumada �al-Oola and 1st Jumada al Thani will be Friday 6 May.

  • Netherlands:

    1. Seen: M.D. Karamatali (MCW member) from Lelystad reported: On Wednesday, May 4, the moon is seen in the Netherlands; it was clear and easy sighting.

  • Nigeria:

    1. Not Seen in Ikorodu(Cloudy) but seen by others in Sokoto: Sheik A.A. Ishola (MCW member) from Ikorodu, Lagos reported: We tried to search the Jumadah Thanni crescent today 4-5-11 in Jubilee Estate and my Collegue Sheik Majolage in Ita elewa Ikorodu but the moon was not seen due to total cloudness, and I called Prof. Nafaty in Bauchi and Brother Simwal in Kaduna and Brother Bari Kerim; all claimed Nagative due to cloudness but when I called Prof. Gwandu in Sokoto he said the moon was sighted by himself and other Brothers at the sea side in Sokoto today.

  • South Africa:

    1. Not Seen: Rashid Motala (MCW member) from Cape Town reported: Contrary to expectations, the Hilaal was not sighted on May 4th evening in S. Africa. Weather was clear in Cape Town.

    2. Not Seen: Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim (MCW member) from Cape Town reported: The Hilaal was not sighted from my station at the Green Point lighthouse in Cape Town. I tried both telescope and binoculars and the result was negative. I have as yet not heard the official declaration regarding the beginning of the new month.

  • Sri Lanka:

    1. Not Seen: Nular Bary (MCW member) from Colombo reported: Today the 4th May 2011 (29th of Jumada-al-Oola 1432) a cloudy evening in Sri Lanka no one has sighted the new Moon of Jumada-al-Thani 1432. Hence the Hilal committee of Sri Lanka have made an announcement through the local media to complete the month of Jumada-al-Oola with 30 days and start the Jumada-al-Thani on Friday the 6th May 2011 "Inshaallah".

  • Tanzania:

    1. 30 Days Completed: Hamza Rijal (MCW member) from Tiny Island of Zanzibar reported: We have completed 30 days for Jamad al-Ula and Thursday 5 May is the First day of Jamadi Thani 1432 AH.

  • UK:

    1. Seen: Qamar Uddin (MCW member) from York reported: On Wednesday 4 May 2011 (30 Jumada Al-Ula 1432 AH) a few of us tried to sight the crescent moon (Hilal) of Jumada Al-Ukra after sunset. The western sky was partly cloudy, but we managed to sight the Hilal with 10x50 binoculars at 21:09 hrs BST and by naked eye at 21:14 hrs BST (see attached photo). The Hilal was also live broadcasted on the Internet and partly recorded online (2 mins). Note that the Ulama in UK have already decided yesterday to start Jumada Al-Ukhra 1432 from Wednesday 5 May 2011 by completing Jumada Al-Ula as 30-days.

  • USA:

    1. Seen: Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) from Blacksburg VA reported: This evening (Wednesday, May 04, 2011), the crescent moon was sighted in Blacksburg, VA (Lat: 37� 15' 40" N, Lng: 80� 26' 56" W, and elevation: 646 meter). Driving to my sighting location, I sighted the moon at 8:47 pm in a small clearing in a mostly cloudy western horizon (sunset: 8:13 pm EDT). After arriving at the location, I could see the moon for a longer time. The horns were at 3:00 and 7:00 O'clock (3:00;5:00;7:00). I stayed there till 9:03 pm (moonset: 9:53 pm EDT). At 9:00 pm, the temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity, and pressure were 42.8 F, 39.2 F, 87%, and 30.28 in, respectively.

Thursday, 5 May 2011:

  • Fiji Islands:

    1. Seen: M Shamim Ali (MCW member) from Samabula Suva reported: The New Moon for the month of Jumadil Thani was sighted on the Island of Taveuni, Fiji Is on 5/5/2011.

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