Moonsighting for Ramadan 1433
The Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia held a meeting in Taif this evening on Thursday the twenty-ninth of Shaaban 1433 AH, for the new moon of Ramadan of 1433 AH. The new moon of Ramadan 1433 AH is proven in the Supreme Court this evening on Thursday the twenty-ninth of the month of Shaaban, corresponding to July 19, 2012, by the testimony of several witnesses, and as true that the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: (Fast when you see it and stop fasting when you see it), so tomorrow, Friday, to July 20, 2012, is the 1st of Ramadan of 1433 AH.
Dublin-based European Council for Fatwa and
Research (ECFR) announced that 1st of Ramadan 1433 will be Friday, July 20, 2012. This is based on calculation criteria that there must be the possibility of crescent sighting by naked eye or telescope on any place on earth. To accept the possibility crescent sighting in any place on earth the following conditions must exist:
a) The moon must set after sunset in the place where sighting is possible
b) The elevation of the crescent must be at least 5 degrees.
c) The elongation distance between the sun and moon must be at least 8 degrees
According to Fatwa of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab (Thornhill, Ontario, Canada), Saturday, July 21, 2012 is first day of Ramadan... Click here.
The Juristic Committee of the Institution of His Eminence, the Religious Authority, Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah (Lebanon), announced that Friday July 20, 2012 is the first day of Ramadan.
This year, the holy month of Ramadan and fasting begins on the night of July 20 and ends on August 18, Absattar Hajji Derbissali, the Supreme Mufti and Chairman of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Kazakhstan, said today at a press conference in Almaty.
The Astronomical New Moon is on July 19, 2012 (Thursday) at 4:24 UT. On Thursday, July 19, it can not be seen anywhere in the world by naked eye, except in small areas of Polynesian Islands. On July 19, with binoculars it can be seen in Chile, South America. On July 19, with telescope it can be seen in Brazil, Argentina and Peru. On Friday, July 20, 2012, it can be easily seen in New Zealand, Australia, South-East Asia, Africa and Americas (See visibility curves below).
Sighting Reports
The earliest authentic reported sighting of the new crescent was on July 20, 2012 from Fiji Islands.
Thursday, 19 July 2012:
- Australia:
- Not Seen: Abbas Aly (MCW member) from Annangrove NSW reported
Thursday 19th July 2012, viewing a clear sky, stars clearly visible. There was NO moon sighted in Sydney, the location for sighting is one of the highest points in Sydney 215m above sea level no buildings to horizon observation stopped at 6.00pm more than 30 minutes after Maghrib. Since the moon of 1st Shaaban was sighted we will complete the 30 days of Shaaban. Therefore first day of Ramadhan will be Saturday 21st July in Australia.
- Brunei:
- Not Seen: Dr. Mohammed Hussain Ahmad (MCW member) from Brunei Darussalam reported:
The new moon was not sighted in Brunei this afternoon, Thursday 19/7/2012. Therefore the 1st day of Ramadan will start on Saturday, 21 July 2012.
- Canada:
- Not Seen: Baig Muhammad Tamachi (MCW member) from Peterborough Ontario reported:
Combination of heavy cloud cover in the south-westerly skies prevented sighting of the Ramadhaan 1433 Hilaal in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada on Thursday, 19th of July, 2012. Maghrib and Moonset times happened to coincide at 8:52PM local time today. My observation attempt was between 8:32pm and 9:02pm
- Not Seen: HiMY SYeD (MCW member) from Toronto Ontario reported:
On Thursday July 19 2012, after praying Maghrib at Masjid Toronto in Downtown Toronto, I quickly walked one block south to Toronto City Hall. Once there I walked up the ramp to the Green Roof of City Hall to get a less obstructed view of the western horizon. It had been overcast for the better part of the day. The evening was no different. The western sky was almost completely still filled with clouds. Nevertheless, I searched the few clear spots in the cloud cover for about ten minutes. No moon was sighted.
- Not Seen: Hilal ibn Muhammad (MCW member) from Calgary Alberta reported:
I went to sight the moon with another brother at around 8:15pm until 9:40pm MST time and we could not see it. There was some haze and partly cloudy but there were breaks in the cloud up until 9:20pm at which time the cloud cover increased. However with a 56x telescope and 10x binocs we still could not find the moon. InshaAllah Ramadhan 1433AH will begin on Saturday July 21st, 2012.
- Chile:
- Not Seen: Muhammad Sohail (MCW member) from Iquique reported:
In Iquique (Chile) moon in not seen on July 19. So 1st of Ramzan will be on Sat 21/07/2012.
- Not Seen: Ayman Al-Layla (MCW member) from Leeds UK reported:
I just called my friend from chile, he said they were 4 members went 75Km east of Iquique city and 1500m above see level and they COULD NOT SEE ANYTHING, today, July 19.
- Not Seen: Dr. Muhammad Hafiz (MCW member) from Jamaica, NY, reported:
Speaking to Br. Fuad Musa (MCW member) from Santiago, Chile by phone, I found that he and some members from the Masjid tried to observe the Hilaal today, 19th July, 2012 after sunset in 2 different locations. The Hilaal was not observed. Hence, the first fast will commence on Saturday, 21st July, 2012 in Chile.
- China:
- Not Seen: Dr. Musa�Minhai (MCW member) from Linxia Gansu Province reported:
On Friday, July 20, 2012, I could not see the crensent in Linxia, China. Skies were most cloudy. we tried to look from 20:15pm to 20:40pm Beijing time. The first day of Ramadan AH 1433 is on July, 20, 2012 in China.(most muslims follow calculations and fllow Saudi). Small population of Muslims follow July 21 (based on Local sighting)
- Dominican Republic:
- Not Seen: Ahmad Abdul Haqq (MCW member) from Santo Domingo reported:
On July 19, the moon of Ramadan 1433H was not seen in the Dominican Republic. Various Muslims associated with the Entidad Isl�mica Dominicana (Dominican Islamic Entity) were observing from the cities of Hig�ey, Santiago and B�varo-Punta Cana. All reports are the same, the skies were cloudy with rainfalls in certain areas. We add another day to the month of Sha'b�n.
- France:
- Not Seen: Rida Roty (MCW member) from Caen (Normandie) reported:
The "Conseil Fran�ais du Culte Musulman" (CFCM) announces that tomorrow Friday, July 20, 2012, is the first day of the holy month Ramadan 1433.
- Indonesia:
- Not Seen: AR Sugeng Riyadi (MCW member) from Surakarta, Java reported:
On Thursday, July 19, 2012: The New Crescent of Ramadhan 1433 AH was NOT SEEN from Assalaam Observatory- Surakarta Central Java - Indonesia. We are about 200 moslem tried to see, but the sky was cloudy. And also about 38 location in Indonesia reported that the Hilal was not seen.
Indonesia Government declared the 1st Ramadhan 1433 AH will be on Saturday, July 21, 2012.
- Japan:
- Not Seen: Aqeel Siddiqi (Secretary, Ruyat-e-Hilal Committee-Japan) from Japan reported:
The new moon was not sighted in Japan this evening, Thursday 19/7/2012. Therefore the 1st day of Ramadan will start on Saturday, 21 July 2012.
- Kenya:
- Not Seen: Mahmood Essa (MCW member) from Mombasa reported:
The Ramadhaan Crescent was not sighted here in Kenya this Thursday evening, July 19. Insha Allah,the first day of Ramadhaan will be on Saturday, 21/07/2012.
- Luxembourg:
- Not Seen: Mr. Michael Bruppacher (MCW member) reported:
On July 19, I attempted to look for hilal but I was not able to see the moon, due to the presence of clouds in the north-west horizon and moonset was before sunset. However the Shoura (institution representing the muslims in Luxembourg) announced that the 1st of Ramadan will start on July 20, 2012, by following the fatwa of the ECFR (European Council of Fatwa and Research).
- Morocco:
- Not Seen: Khalid Chraibi (MCW member) from Casablanca reported:
I am pleased to inform you that the Moroccan authorities have announced this Thursday evening that the crescent of the new moon couldn't be observed at sunset today, July 19. The month of Ramadan will thus begin on Saturday 21 July 2012 in Morocco.
- Namibia:
- Not Seen: Azgar Suleman from Walvis Bay reported:
The Hilaal was NOT sighted today, July 19 in Walvis Bay.
- Not Seen: Ahmed Mohamed Barakah (MCW member) from Windhoek reported:
The Hilaal was NOT sighted today, July 19 in Windhoek However as usual. Some people started Ramadan today Friday 19th July 2012 following KSA.
For the rest of the people 1st Ramadan will be 20th July 2012.
- Nigeria:
- Not Seen: Official Announcement is seen: Mohammed Jalal (MCW member) from Kaduna, Kaduna State reported: I tried, but could not see the moon on July 19.
There is a radio announcement now from the Amirul Mumineen in Nigeria that the moon was sighted in 4 Nigerian cities by twelve adult muslims between 6.55pm to 7.30pm local time. Tomorrow, July 20 is therefore Ramadan 1st. [Moonsighting.com opinion is that this may be authentic claim of sighting if some special atmospheric conditions prevailed.]
- Panama:
- Not Seen: Saleh Bhai Bhattay (MCW member) from Panama City reported:
We could not see the moon in panama City on July 19.
- Philippines:
- Not Seen: Mohammad Amin Mangorsi (MCW member) from Manila reported:
On Thursday July 19, 2012. I could not see the moon in Manila, because of bad weather in our country. I tried to look from 6:10pm to 6:35pm.
- Qatar:
- Not Seen: Muhammad Imran Paracha (MCW member) from Doha reported:
Tried to sight the moon before maghrib prayer on July 19 but wasn't able to. The age of the moon was around 11 hours and moonset was only 3 mins after sunset.
- Saudi Arabia:
- Not Seen: Luqmaan Williams (MCW member) from Ta'if reported:
I was in Makkah tonight (Thursday), July 19th. Clear skies but did not sight the crescent.
- Seen (Saudi Announcement): Mrs. Lubna Shawly (MCW member) from Jiddah reported:
It is announced in the Saudi courts, according to the observation of the new moon (moon is sighted in areas of Sudair & Shagra), and that the first day of Ramadan for the year 1433 Hijrah will be on Friday the 20th of July 2012. [Moonsighting.com opinion is, if it was seen before sunset, it may be authentic sighting. Remember, the moon was born about 12 hours before sunset, so, it was not the waning moon but a new Hilal and was setting about 6 minutes after sunset, so waiting to see it after sunset may hide it from sighting, but before sunset, it may have been seen sighted]
- South Africa:
- Not Seen: Ammar Tahir (MCW member) from Cape Town reported:
I just returned from trying to sight the Ramadhan Hilaal by the beach front on July 19. There were 4 of us Muslims (1 female and 3 males).
We used telescope and also telescopic camera lenses but failed to sight any Hilaal. The Islamic Authorities here also could not sight the moon.
The declaration has been made on radio just now that the official first day of Ramadhan will be thsi Saturday 21st July 2012.
- Not Seen: Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim (MCW member) from Cape Town reported:
The Hilaal was not sighted in Southern Africa this Thursday evening (19 July 2012 --- 29 Shabaan 1433). The official 1st day of Ramadaan in this area will be on Saturday, 21st July 2012.
As a point of interest, I set up a Dobsonian XT6 telescope to try to capture the crescent but to no avail. The solar coronal glare was larger than usual, especially upwards of the trailing limb of the sun. The moon was positioned in this area. There was a mass coronal emission yesterday and perhaps (?) this may be the cause of the excessive coronal glare.
The weather was fine and trying to break the world record for a telescopic sighting proved unsuccessful.
- Spain:
- Not Seen: Gabriel Jairod�n Riaza (MCW member) from Madrid reported:
The Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (Islamic Commission of Spain) announces that tomorrow Friday, July 20, 2012, is the first day of the holy month Ramadan 1433. Click here
- Sri Lanka:
- Not Seen: Nular Bary (MCW member) from Colombo reported:
Today 28th of Sha'ban 1433 (19/07/2012) evening in Colombo western sky was clear, I went to Bambalapitiy beach to watch the Sun set and the New Moon. I know the Moon is setting 10 minutes after Sun set in Colombo but still I wanted to take chance. I was scanning the western horizon with my binoculars still I couldn't see the crescent, I witness the Sun setting clearly in western horizon at 6:32pm "MashaAllah". Tomorrow on 29th of Sha'ban I have 56 minutes to try again after Sun set "InshaAllah".
- Tanzania:
- Not Seen: Hamza Rijal (MCW member) from Tiny Island of Zanzibar reported:
I would like to inform you all that in tiny island of Zanzibar Hilal is not sighted on July 19 and it was declared by Mufty Office that we shall complete the month of Shaaban and The officially first day of Ramadhan shall be 21st of July.
- Thailand:
- Not Seen: Surin Ninchuawong from Thailand reported:
Not seen; But Official Announcement is "seen" : On Thursday, July 19, 2012, There was a group of about 20 of us together could not see the moon in Chonburi (Pattaya Beach), Thailand. Skies were not clear. I tried to look from 6:00pm to 7:10pm . And my friend reported in the south of Thailand the new moon was not seen.
- UK:
- Not Seen: Mohammad Ali Javed (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported:
Today, July 19 the new moon was not seen because the sky was cloudy. We will complete 30 days and 1st Ramadan will be on Saturday 21st July 2012.
- Not Seen: Saraj Qazi (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported:
Allama Qazi Abdul Aziz Chishti on behalf of Markazi Aulema & Musha'ikh Council UK & Marzkazi Jamat Ahle Sunnat UK & Europe (The largest and oldest Jamaat of ahle sunnah in UK) announced the following:
On following the Sunnah of RasoolAllah SAW and the Shariah, there has been no visible sighting of the Moon in the UK or any positive sighting from any Muslim country close to UK including Morocco on the eve of 19th July 2012. We therefore will be completeing 30 days of Sha�ban and officially announce the 1st of Ramadhan Kareem to be on Saturday 21st July 2012 InshAllah.
- Not Seen: Juned Patel (MCW member) from Bolton Lancshire reported:
Today, July 19 the new moon was not seen between 20:55 to 21:40 because the sky was cloudy.
- USA:
- Not Seen: Imam Salim Chishti (MCW member) from New Lebanon NY reported:
We tried to sight the moon on Thursday night, July 19 from sunset to 9:00PM. The sky was overcast and nothing was visible on the western horizon after the sun set so the crescent was not sighted. In New Lebanon we will follow the start of Ramadhan as calculated by the FCNA so the first Tarawhi prayers will be on Thursday night and the first day of fasting will be tomorrow,
- Not Seen: Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) from Blacksburg VA reported:
This evening (Thursday, July 19, 2012), the crescent moon of Ramadan was not sighted in Blacksburg, VA (Lat: 37� 15' 40" N, Lng: 80� 26' 56" W, and elevation: 646 meters). The western horizon sky was mostly cloudy. We stayed there only for few minutes.
- Not Seen: Imam Mir Omar Ali, Smithfield, NC reported:
On Thursday, 07/19/2012 I tried to see Hilal from 8:35 to 9:15 pm, from roof of hospital, excellent vantage point. But it was partly cloudy Skies
Negative sighting.
- Not Seen: Dr. Muhammad Hafiz (MCW member) from Jamaica, NY, reported:
I tried to observe the Hilal today July 19, 2012 after sunset. The horizon was overcast with rainy clouds hence observation was made impossible.
Most Masjids in the area will commence first fast on Saturday.
- Not Seen: Khalid Yaseen (MCW member) from Detroit, MI, reported:
No sighting in Detroit, MI - it was very cloudy this evening, July 19.
- Not Seen: Hamid Quraishi (MCW member) from Winona MN reported:
I tried with two others to watch the moon sighting in Winona, MN.There was no moon visible by naked eye. The condition was partly cloudy and hazy.
- Not Seen: Mohammed Yahya Shaikh (MCW member) from Anaheim CA reported:
The moon for Ramadhan was not seen on July 19th 2012, in Anaheim, Playa Del Rey, Rosemead and Arcadia, California. There was a thick layer of haze hugging the lower horizon, and optical aid did not hel the cause either.
- Not Seen: Muzzammil Dadabhoy (MCW member) from Huntington Beach CA reported:
Thursday, July 19, 2012, SKY CONDITIONS: Absolutely clear skies but a hazy right above the horizon.
I, Muzzammil Dadabhoy (28), Iqbal Dadabhoy (56), Sulaimaan Dadabhoy (31), Saeeda Jadwet (56), all did not see the moon fromHilltop Park, 2351 Dawson Ave., Signal Hill, CA 90755. SUNSET: 8:02 p.m. in direction 296* West-Northwest. MOONSET: 8:17 p.m. in direction 286* West-Northwest
Friday, 20 July 2012:
- Australia:
- Seen: Abbas Aly (MCW member) from Annangrove NSW reported
A very thin crescent was seen across Sydney tonight by many people marking the start of Ramadhan, Saturday 21st will be the first day of Ramadhan
- Seen: Habeeb Mohamed-Hussain (MCW member) from Gold Coast, QL reported:
Moon was seen at local time 5.40pm. Sunset was 5.11pm and Moonset was 6.16pm.
- Seen: Hasnain Lakhani (MCW member) from Underwood, QL reported:
Alhamdolillah the crescent for Ramadhan was seen today Friday 20th July at 5:40pm. There was a group of about 10 of us together in Brisbane.
- Seen: Muhammad Khatree (MCW member) from Brisbane, QL reported:
For Ramadhaan 1433, a few of us in separate locations observed the crescent this evening at around 5:45pm. It was visible with clear skies and only a little bit of cloud near the horizon.
- Bangladesh:
- Seen: Afzal Karim from Assam (India) reported:
Ramadan moon sighted today (20-07-2012) in Bangladesh. They will start fasting tomorrow. Is it not mandatory that people in Assam (in India) also start fasting tomorrow as they are within 500 miles of Bangladesh?
- Seen: Engr. Azizul Huq (MCW member) from Dhaka reported:
Friday 20th July, after Asar prayer there was a Video Presentation on
Moonsighting at Banani Mosque, Dhaka. The presentation ended with
Magrib Prayer. Before our observation, local people outside Mosque
announced the sighting by naked eyes. So from 21st July Ramadan will
be observed in Bangladesh.
- Fiji Islands:
- Seen: Taabish Akbar, General Secretary of Fiji Muslim League, reported:
New moon for Ramadhan sighted this evening (20/7/2012) in various locations in Fiji. Insha Allah Ramadhan begins tomorrow, 21/7/2012.
- Seen: M Shamim Ali (MCW member) from Samabula Suva reported:
The new moon HAS BEEN SIGHTED in various parts of Fiji Islands, therefore FASTING (SAUM / ROZA) for the month of Ramadhan 1433H will Insha Allah Commence from SATURDAY 21ST JULY 2012.
- India:
- Not Seen (see updated report below): Mohammed Mohsin Khan (MCW member) from Mumbai reported:
Today Friday 20 July 2012 / 29 Shabaan 1433 in India. Here in Mumbai Sunset was at 07:18 p.m LT and Moonset was at 08:05 pm LT. Lag : 46 mins, Altitude : 9.54, Phase : 2.26% , Moon Age: 33 hrs but Sky was cloudy hence Crescent has not been sighted in Mumbai and in most parts of India , Moon-Sighting Committee have officially announced at 08:30 p.m L.T that in India, Saturday 21 July 2012 will be 30th Shabaan 1433 and 1st Ramadaan 1433 will fall on Sunday 22 July 2012.
- Not Seen (see updated report below): Mohammad Yusuf (MCW member) from New Delhi reported:
Today 20/07/2012 I Mohammad Yusuf tray to see the Moon of Ramadhan in New Delhi, India at 07:20pm to 08:00pm after maghrib salah horizon was too cloudy so moon was not seen today.
- Not Seen (see updated report below): Mohammed Ali Qazi (MCW member) from Mumbai reported:
Mumbai, India ....As usual we tried to see the moon, but due to cloudy weather moon could NOT be sighted. Neither there was any News or announcement till late night up to 12.25AM of sighting of moon.
- Seen: (Updated report) Hafeez & Family ([email protected]) reported:
Delhi: Jama Masjid imam Ahmad Bukhari has announced the sighting of Ramadan 2012 (Ramzan) moon from Jama Masjid of New Delhi, India. The announcement was made rather late at around 10:30 in the night.
Earlier, due to non-announcement of moon sighting in Delhi or nearby areas, people didn�t offer Tarawih prayers. Some mosques have announced to hold tarawih prayers at around 11:30 in the night.
Meanwhile, moon was sighted in Bihar where Imarate-e-Sharia announced the beginning of the month of Ramadan from tomorrow. So the time of feasting besides of course fasting has begun.
- Seen: (Updated report) Molvi Iqbalhusen Bokda (MCW member) from Godhra, Gujrat reported:
On Friday 20th July, no part of India claimed of sighting crescent as the sky was cloudy all over India. We tried but could not see. But at the time of Isha, Banglore announced "seen" based on 3-4 witness. Relying on this announcement, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Deoband, Patna and other Hilal committes declared one by one from Isha to late midnight that first of Ramazan will be on Saturday. Thus though there was no general sighting in any part of India, it is the First of Ramazan on Saturday in almost all parts and states of India except 2 states. In Gujarat and and Maharashtra it was declared that Ramazan will start on Sunday.
- Seen: (Updated report) Mohammed Mohsin Khan (MCW member) from Mumbai reported:
as a MCW member I understand My Responsibilities ... that's why I always send my Report after the Announcement of Moon Sighting committee.. My Uncle is a Member of Moon sighting committee here. so before sending anything (seen or Not seen) I always confirm it with him.
As you know India is not an Islamic state, so issues of Moon sighting are not centralised; In each state there is a Moon sighting committee. What happened last night is that Moon has not been sighted across India and in Mumbai; At 8:30 pm committee announced that Saturday 21 July 2012 will be 30 Shabaan 1433 and 1st Ramadan will be from Sunday 22 July 2012...
but in night at 11:30 pm Maulana Ahmed Bukhari from Jama Masjid Delhi announced that Ramadan moon has been sighted at some places specially in Bihar.
after this announcement an emergency meeting was held in Mumbai about this issue but after a long discussion the Decision was remain the same that Ramadan will start from Sunday.
so Delhi, most places in Bihar, and most places in Andhra Pardesh are observing Roza today but these are just 2 to 3 states and you know in India there are 28 States, so what about others ??
Majority of India including , Maharashtra , Gujarat , Madhya Pardesh, Uttar Pardesh , Punjab , Goa , some places of Bihar , some places of Andhra Pardesh, West Bengal, etc. etc. will start Ramadan from Sunday 22 July 2012.
- Indonesia:
- Seen Or Not Seen? Ahmad I. Adjie (MCW member) from Bandung reported:
On july 20, With my team made efforts to sight crescent moon from the northern hills of Bandung, with generally overcast patchy skies, especially towards the west horizon. A number of times some of us could make out the thin crescent (seen) but as the sighting was only seconds long (the crescent disappeared again behind clouds) none of us could 100% be certain that what we saw was really the moon. We have decided that we should report the NON-SIGHTING of the moon. We will, however, follow Fiji, Australia, and Indonesia Kebumen, Solo and Kudus sightings as all are mre easterly than Bandung.
- Seen: AR Sugeng Riyadi (MCW member) from Surakarta, Java reported:
On Friday, July 20, 2012: The New Crescent of Ramadhan 1433 AH was SEEN from Assalaam Observatory- Surakarta Central Java - Indonesia. We are about 100 moslems saw the hilal, approx 10 minutes after sunset when the moon altitude at 10.5 degree by teleskop. We saw the hilal at 20 minutes after sunset.
- Iran:
- Seen: Alireza Mehrani (MCW member) from Esfahan reported:
On Friday July 20, 2012 (Tir 30, 1391), Crescent was first observed through 15x70 binoculars, at 20:00 LT (15:30 UT). Crescent was last observed through 15x70 binoculars at 20:16 LT (15:46 UT). [See the visibilty curve; it matches perfectly]
- Kazakhstan:
- Not Seen: Bekov Kazbek (MCW member) from Almaty reported:
On Thursday, July 19 , 2012, I and three more brothers could not see the moon in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Skies were clear. We tried to look from 8:10pm to 8:50pm.
On Friday, July 20, 2012, I and one brother could not see the moon in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Skies were clear with some clouds. We tried to look from 8:10pm to 9:00pm.
Kazakhstan started 1st of Ramadan on July 20, because Idara Diniya does not rely on moonsighting. Idara based on calculation.
- Kenya:
- Seen: Mahmood Essa (MCW member) from Mombasa reported:
Alhamdullillaah,the Ramadhaan Crescent was sighted here in Kenya this Friday evening, 20/07/2012.
- Kuwait:
- Not Seen: Hussain Khushaish (MCW member) from Kuwait reported:
In Kuwait at kabad desert on Friday 20 July 2012, I couldn't see the crescent even with 8" telescope. The western horizon was cloudy.
- Malaysia:
- Seen: Mohamad Zafir Nadzri (MCW member) from Telok Kemang reported:
On Friday 20 July 2012, Unprofessional Group of Cresent Sighting Malaysia, saw the moon easily in three places with 14 members.
First sighting at Sungai Lang, Sabak Bernam, Selangor (N 3d 49' 52" , E 100d 48' 57") which have perfect sky. Total, 3 people first see on 7:52PM. Able to see it until 8:15pm.
Second sighting at Kuala Sungai Bahru, Perlis (N 6d 19' 58", E 100d 9' 26") - 8 people first sight on 7:58PM for 10 minutes.
Third sighting at Menara Alor Setar, kedah (N 6d 7' 27" , E 100d 22' 3") - 3 people first sight on 8:10PM until 8:20PM.
Our government already announce on Thursday's evening, 1st Ramadhan is 21 July.
- Seen: Firdaus Mazlan (MCW member) from Johor Bahru reported:
On Friday, 20th July 2012 equal to 29th Sha'ban 1433 H, we have split into many places in Malaysia to see the new moon. Below is the result of our rukyah team.
1. First Team: Seen, Kuala Kedah, Kedah (06:06:32.0 N , 100:17:12.0 E), 7.55 pm until 8.10 pm, the new crescent was seen by Mr. Mohd Redzuan bin Pandil, Mr. Muhammad Muhaimin bin Abd Abas, Mr. Mohd Husni bin Jamil, Mr. Musa bin Kasim, Mr. Syukri Arif bin Yusuf, Mr. Muhammad Afiq bin Mohd Safri and Mr. Khairi Shah bin Yahya.
2. Second Team: Seen, Pulau Pinang (05:25:00 N , 100:15:00 E), 7.45 pm until 8.15 pm, the new crescent was seen by Mr. Muhammad Muinuddin bin Mat Jusoh.
3. Third Team: Seen, Sungai Buloh, Kuala Lumpur (03:09:00 N , 101:41:00 E), 7.50 pm until 8.10 pm, Ms. Rasyidah bt Harun and Mr. Mohd Afif bin Mohd Nasaruddin.
4. Fourth Team: Seen, Baitul Hilal, Teluk Kemang, Negeri Sembilan (02:26:43.0 N , 101:51:16.0 E), 8.00 pm until 8.01 pm, the new crescent was seen by Mr. Mohd Razib bin Mohd Aris, Mr. Azizie bin Azmi, Mr. Mohd Haziq bin Hamzah, Mr. Mohd Afiq bin Hamzah, Mr. Afiezie bin Mohd Yunus, Mr. Syamil bin Mohd Sulaiman, Mr. Nik Nazrul bin Nik Kasbi, Mr. Mohd Rozaini bin Md Rahman, Mr. Mohd Jamal bin Othman, Mr. Nurfarhan bin Khamis, Mr. Mohd Khairi bin Nuruddin and Mr. Zulkarnain bin Jauhari. Also seen with Binocular (Copitar Look 12x21 m/m Field - 4.6 Degree (Hilal)) by Mr. Rasyiq bin Alwi.
5. Fifth Team: Seen, Tanjung Mas, Muar, Johor (02:03:00 N , 102:34:00 E), 7.50 pm until 8.00 pm, the new crescent was seen by Mr. Afzan Amly bin Haji Ahmad Taha and Mr. Nazarul Hisyam bin Ishak.
6. Sixth Team: Seen, Danga Bay, Johor Bahru, Johor (01:38:00 N , 103:40:00 E), 7.35 pm until 7.36 pm, the new crescent was seen by Mr. Mohd Imran bin Yusof.
So, tomorrow, 21th July 2012 (Saturday) is the 1st Ramadhan 1433 H. Our goverment already announced that tomorrow (21th July 2012) is 1st Ramadhan 1433 H.
- Seen: Kamri Paee (MCW member) from Kota Kinabalu Sabah reported:
On Friday 20 July 2012 at this cordinate 6�8'30.2694''N 116�9'16.9304''E (Gayang bridge Kota Kinabalu) in Malysia, the sky condition at the moment of sighting is covered with clouds with few blueish area. With aid of 700mm telescope I manage to see the crescent Moon of Ramadhan with my son at 282 degree azimuth. Time sighted was 19:02 for just about 3 minutes.
- Mauritius:
- Seen: Samser Ameeruddeen (MCW member) from Port-Louis reported:
Some people have seen the moon here at 18:03 on July 20 � Hence taraweeh starts tonight and 1st Ramadan in Mauritius is on Saturday 21st July.
- Seen: Goolam Tegally (MCW member) from Port Louis reported:
The Ramadhan crescent was sighted in a cloudless sky this evening Friday 20th July in Mauritius.
1st Ramadhan will be Saturday 21st July.
- Not Seen: Majolagbe Monsuru (MCW member) [The Mufti of Ikorodu], Lagos reported:
I strived to search for the crescent moon of Ramadan 1433 at Ikorodu town, Lagos state Nigeria on Friday 20 July 2012 \ 30th sha'ban 1433 from maghrib sunset time 7:07 pm till close to Isha time 8:05pm but I found nothing and later the weather became very cloudy.
- Pakistan:
- Not Seen by us but Officially Announced Seen by others: Mufti Sultan Alam (MCW member) from Karachi reported:
Today (Friday, 20 July 2012=29 Shabaan 1433 in Pakistan) on my request, a large number of persons ( members of the moon-sighting committees of our institute "JAMIA-TUR-RASHEED" + my friends + their companions) tried to sight the moon all over Pakistan at more than 59 places but the moon could not be sighted. Almost, it was cloudy countrywide today.
Note 1: On the basis of the reports of two places��(1)Shahpur, Chakar, Sindh (2) Kachi, wanga, Dera Ghazikhan��.Chairman of central official moon sighting committee of Pakistan, mufti Munee-bur-Rahman announced that moon has been sighted thus Saturday 21st July 2012 is 1st Ramadhaan 1433 AH in Pakistan.
- Sri Lanka:
- Not Seen: M.L.M. Mahis (MCW member) from Kochchikade reported:
Yesterday (20-07-2012) I tried to see the crescent in Kochchikade Beach with my nephew Mr. Hammam. The sunset was at 6.31p.m. The sky was partially cloudy. We were seeing up to 7.10p.m. (Moon set time was 7.26p.m.)But we couldn't see the crescent. But there were several positive sighting reports received by Jemmiyyathul Ulama of SriLanka and they declared the start of the Holy Month of Ramazan from today (21-07.2012) in Sri Lanka.
- Sri Lanka:
- Not Seen: Nular Bary (MCW member) from Colombo reported:
Today 29th.of Sha'ban 1433 (20/07/2012) evening in Colombo the western sky was not like yesterday it was overcast & patchy Anyway I tried to see the New Moon at Bambalapitiya beach I couldn't see the crescent till 7:25pm.our sun set was at 6:32pm.Today. At about 7pm Sri Lankan Hialal Committee,from Colombo Grand Mosque has made an announcement in the local media to start the Holy Month of Ramadan 1433H, tomorrow Saturday 21st. July 2012."Inshaallah" so to end the month of Sha'ban in 29days as the New Moon has been sighted in several places in the country "Mashaallah"
- UK:
- Not Seen: Juned Patel (MCW member) from Bolton Lancshire reported:
Today 20/07/2012 I Juned Patel & Mehboob tried to see the Moon in Bolton, Lancashire, UK between 21:05 to 21:40 but part of sky above horizon was red and cloudy so moon was not seen today.
- Not Seen: Mohammad Ali Javed (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported:
On Friday 20th July 2012, the new moon was not seen because the sky was partially cloudy. It's officially confirmed by Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat UK that 1st Ramadan will be tomorrow (Saturday 21st July 2012).
- USA:
- Seen: Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) from Blacksburg VA reported:
This evening (Friday, July 20, 2012), the crescent moon of Ramadan was sighted in Blacksburg, VA (Lat: 37� 15' 40" N, Lng: 80� 26' 56" W, and elevation: 646 meters). We arrived at our sighting location around 8:26 pm EDT (sunset: 8:38 pm). We started scanning the expected crescent location in a partly cloudy and hazy western horizon, using binoculars. It was at 8:32 pm when my daughter located the moon using the 10X50 pair of binoculars. Soon after following her directions, I sighted the crescent using the 7X50 binoculars. At 8:34 pm, my daughter sighted the moon with naked eye. A minute later, the moon was behind the clouds and reappeared at 8:41 pm. My naked eye sighting was at 8:43 pm. We followed the crescent with binoculars till 8:52 pm when it was covered by clouds (moonset: 9:21 pm). At 8:35 pm, the temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and pressure were 75.2 F, 71.6 F, 89%, and 30.02 in, respectively.
- Not Seen: Tom Gregan (MCW member) from Madison WI reported:
Despite best intention and effort, the crescent moon was NOT observed last night (July 20). Traveling westerly from Madison, Wisconsin, a vantage point with an unobstructed view to the horizon was sought. The best position was finally reached at 9:00 p.m. Looking in the direction of 283.1 degrees, the crescent moon was not able to be perceived. The moon would have been at roughly four percent illumination. [See the visibilty curve; it matches perfectly]
OFFICIAL 1st Day of Ramadan in Different Countries
Friday, 20 July 2012:
- Afghanistan (Follow Saudi)
- Albania (Follow Saudi)
- Algeria (Follow Saudi)
- Armenia (Follow Saudi)
- Austria (Follow Saudi)
- Australia (FCNA, ECFR, Ummul-Qura)
- Afghanistan (Follow Saudi)
- Albania (Follow Saudi)
- Armenia (Follow Saudi)
- Austria (Follow Saudi)
- Azerbaijan (Follow Saudi)
- Bahrian (Follow Saudi)
- Bangladesh (Some areas follow Saudi)
- Belgium (Follow Saudi)
- Bolivia (Follow Saudi)
- Bosnia and Hercegovina (Follow Saudi)
- Bulgaria (Follow Saudi)
- Canada - Fiqh Council of North America and Muslim Association of Canada, Alberta
- Chechnia (Follow Saudi)
- China (Follow Saudi)
- Cosovo (Follow Saudi)
- Denmark (Follow Saudi)
- Egypt - Moon Born before sunset & moon sets at least 5 minutes after sunset
- Finland (Follow Saudi)
- France (Follow European Council of Fatwa & Research (ECFR))
- Georgia (Follow Saudi)
- Germany (Follow ECFR)
- Guinea (Local Sighting or Follow Saudi) -->
- Hungary (Follow Saudi)
- Iceland (Follow Saudi)
- Ireland (Follow Saudi)
- Italy (Follow Saudi)
- Jordan (Follow Saudi)
- Kazakhstan (Calculations)
- Kuwait (Follow Saudi)
- Kyrgizstan (Follow Saudi)
- Lebanon (Follow Saudi)
- Libya (Moon must be born before Fajr in Libya)
- Luxembourg (Follow ECFR)
- Mauritania (Follow Saudi)
- Montenegro (Follow Saudi)
- Netherlands (Follow Saudi)
- Nigeria (Local sighting - Announced)
- Norway (Decsion of Islamic Council of Norway according to agreed upon method, to follow annoncement from any Muslim country, and reject annoncement if they are before Calculations of easy sightabilty)
- Norway (Some Follow Saudi)
- Palestine (Follow Saudi)
- Philippines (Follow Saudi)
- Qatar (Follow Saudi)
- Romania (Follow Saudi)
- Russia (Follow Saudi)
- Saudi Arabia (Local Sighting - Official Announcement)
- Spain (Follow Saudi)
- Sudan (Follow Saudi)
- Sweden (Follow Saudi)
- Switzerland (Follow Saudi)
- Syria (Follow Saudi)
- Taiwan (Follow Saudi)
- Tajikistan (Follow Saudi)
- Tatarstan (Follow Saudi)
- Thailand (Officially Announced)
- Tunisia - Criteria of age, or altitude, or sunset-moonset lag
- Turkey (Calculations)
- Turkmenistan (Follow Saudi)
- U.A.E. (Follow Saudi)
- UK (Follow Saudi) [Coordination Committee of Major Islamic Centres and Mosques of London, The central Moon Sighting Committee of Great Britain]
- USA - Fiqh Council of North America/Islamic Society of North America (Calculations)
- Uzbekistan (Follow Saudi)
- Yemen (Follow Saudi)
- Zambia (Local Sighting)
- Zimbabwe (Local Sighting)
Saturday, 21 July 2012:
- Australia (Local Sighting)
- Bangladesh (Local Sighting)
- Barbados (30 days completion)
- Brunei (Local Sighting)
- Canada (Shi'aa Community - Announced by Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab, Also Hilal Committee of Canada)
- Chile (Local Sighting)
- China (Small population follow Local Sighting)
- Fiji Islands (Local Sighting)
- Guyana (Local Sighting)
- India (Local Sighting - some states)
- Indonesia (30 days completion - Official Announcement)
- Iran (Local Sighting)
- Iraq (30 days completion - Official Announcement)
- Japan (30 days completion - Ruyat-e-Hilal Committee-Japan)
- Kenya (Local Sighting)
- Madagascer (Local Sighting)
- Malawi (Local Sighting)
- Malaysia (30 days completion or [Age > 8 hours, altitude > 2�, elongation > 3�])
- Mauritius (Local Sighting)
- Morocco (Local Sighting)
- Mozambique (Local Sighting)
- Namibia (30 days completion)
- New Zealand (Local Sighting or Fiji sighting)
- Oman (30 days completion)
- Pakistan (Local Sighting or 30 day completion)
- South Africa (30 days completion)
- Sri Lanka (Local Sighting)
- Suriname (News from Guyana if not seen in Suriname)
- Tanzania (30 days completion)
- Trinidad & Tobago (Local Sighting)
- UK (30 days completion or Sighting from other country) [Wifaaqul ulama , Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat]
- USA (Local Sighting) [Shi'aa Community, Houston Hilal Committee, Chicago Hilal Committee]
Sunday, 22 July 2012:
- India (Most of India - Local Sighting)
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