Moonsighting for Shawwal 1431

1431 AH

Saudi Arabia has declared that Ramadan for the year 1431 Hijrah will complete 30 days, and the first day of Eid AL-Fitr will corresponding to Friday the 10th of September 2010.

According to a new fatwa from the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), Eid-al-Fitr will be on Thursday 9th September, See Link.

According to Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) and Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Eid-al-Fitr is on Friday, September 10, 2010, See Link.

Shi'aa declarations *expected* for 1st Shawwal:

Thursday: Shi'aa clergy office of the late Sayyed Muhamad Hussein Fadlullah announced that Eid is on Thursday 9th September, except New Zealand and Australia, See link.

Thursday: Shi'aa clergy in the West (Dearborn, MI), His Eminence Ayatuallah Sheikh Abdullatif Berry annouces that Thursday, September 9 is Eid El Fitr. See link.

Friday: Most Shi'aa in Africa, southern Asia, Middle East, South America and southern parts of North America, as well as followers of late Sayyid Khoei in Europe and northern parts of North America.

Saturday: Shi'aa in Europe and northern parts of North America.

The Astronomical New Moon is on September 8, 2010 (Wednesday) at 10:30 UT. This moon may not be visible anywhere on September 8 except some Polynesian Islands. On September 9, it will still not be visible in Northern Asia, Europe and Canada. It can easily be seen in New Zealand, Australia, South-East Asia, Africa and Americas on Sep 9. See the visibility map below:

Sighting Reports

The earliest sighting of the new crescent was on Thursday, Sep 9, in Fiji Islands, and then Australia.

Wednesday, 8 Septmber 2010:

  • Algeria:

    1. Not Seen: Jamal Mimouni MCW member) President, Sirius Astronomy Association reported: It was announced few minutes ago on national TV by the Hilal Committee of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Algeria that due to:
      1- the non observation of the crescent anywhere in Algeria
      2- the scientific impossibility to observe it, the month of Ramadhan will count 30 days and the Eid will be celebrated on Friday September the 10th.

  • Canada:

    1. Not Seen: Bassam Fares, Executive Director, Muslim Association of Canada reported: On behalf of the Rahma Mosque committee, we are pleased to inform you that Eid Al-Fitr has been confirmed for Friday, September 10th, 2010.

  • France:

    1. Eid declared: Rida Roty (MCW member) from Caen (Normandie) reported: The French Council of Muslim Faith (CFCM) has communicated the date of Eid El Fitr for Friday, September 10, 2010

  • Indonesia:

    1. Not Seen: AR Sugeng Riyadi (MCW member) from Surakarta, Java reported: On Wednesday, 08 September 2010, the New Crescent of Syawwal 1431 AH was NOT SEEN, from my location Bendo-Ketitang-Juwiring-Klaten Indonesia (7� 41' S, 110� 44' E, GMT+7, 98 m); because the sky was totally cloudy. My Friends on Yogyakarta, Bandung, Bogor said, that there was rainy. The day of Ramadhan will be ISTIKMAL on Thursday, 9 September 2010. And the First of Syawwal 1431 AH will be On Friday, 10 September 2010. Ied Mubarok...

  • Ireland:

    1. Eid declared: Dr. Abdul Mughees from Ireland reported: Here our Islamic Centre has announced that Eid will be on Friday inshaAllah with Saudi Arabia.

    2. Eid declared: Dr. Raied Al-Wazzan, Executive Secretary, Belfast Islamic Centre reported: The two biggest Muslim organizations in Northern Ireland (Belfast Islamic centre and Northern Ireland Muslim Family Association) have declared that Ramadan for the year 1431 Hijrah will complete 30 days, and the first day of Eid AL-Fitr will corresponding to Friday the 10th of September 2010.

  • Nigeria:

    1. Not Seen: Sheik A.A. Ishola (MCW member) from Ikorodu, Lagos reported: On Sep 8, we went for searching the moon of shawwal at Leventis Bus Stop with the binocular and telescope given to us by Sulton of Sokoto but we were unable to sight the Shawwal Crescent due to the age of the Crescent and Cloud and we reported immidiately to the Chairman of National Moonsighting and Chief Imam of Lagos. Kudos to a man of change who rejected a falseful sighting tommorrow thursday he has announced to be 30th of Ramadan this is 54 yrs of nigerian fasting for 30 days.

    2. Not Seen: Imam Majolagbe Monsuru (MCW member) [The Mufti of Ikorodu], Lagos reported: I and other members of Lagos state moon sighting committee assembled at marina on Leventis Lagos Island pedestrian bridge by 5:35pm Wednesday 8 Sep.2010 (29th Ramadan) and began setting the telescope and perfected the sunset alignment. While we commenced the ultimate searching immediately at the sun set at 6:49pm, we were unable to see the crescent WITH THE TELESCOPE\BINOCULAR AND NAKED EYES because it was very cloudy.

  • Pakistan:

    1. Not Seen: Sultan Alam (MCW member) from Karachi reported: Today (Wednesday, 8 September 2010 = Pakistan: 28 Ramadhan 1431 / Saudi Arabia 29 Ramadhan), it was certain that the crescent would not be sighted anywhere in Pakistan because moonset was before sunset, all over Pakistan. Moreover, it was 28th day in Pakistan, therefore there was no need to try to sight the moon in Pakistan, but in spite of these facts, to increase the trust of common people in the Science of Moon-sighting and because the people were confused due to the 29th day in Saudi Arabia, I requested many members of the moon-sighting committees of our institute "JAMIA-TUR-RASHEED" and many of my friends all over Pakistan to sight the moon but the moon could not be sighted, as it was expected tonight. Our members tried to sight the crescent moon at nearly 30 Places in all 4 provinces with nearly 200 persons. Note 1: Saudia announced officially that moon was not sighted there, hence Thursday is 30th.

  • Saudi Arabia:

    1. Eid declared: Mrs. Lubna Shawly (MCW member) from Jiddah reported: Saudi Arabia has declared that Ramadan for the year 1431 Hijrah will complete 30 days, and the first day of Eid AL-Fitr will corresponding to Friday the 10th of September 2010.

    2. Not Seen: Burheem Bakr (MCW member) from from Al-Khobar reported: On Sep 8, despite favorable viewing conditions, with slight haze, we were unable to sight the hilal for the beginning of Shawaal.

  • Spain:

    1. Not Seen: Jairod�n Riaza from Spain reported: The Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (Islamic Commission of Spain) announces that September 10, 2010, is the first day of Shawwal 1431, and Idu Al-Fitr.

  • Sri Lanka:

    1. Not Seen: Nular Bary (MCW member) from Colombo reported: Today 28 of Ramadhan 1431H (Sep 8, 2010) in Sri Lanka. According to astronomers the Astronomical New Moon is today at 4pm (S.L.T.) and our sun set was at 6:16pm (S.L.T.) anyway I went up to my rooftop where I could see the western sky was cloudy and observed from 6:15pm to 6:45pm I could see some Stars through the clouds but not the crescent of Shawwal. "Inshaallah" Tomorrow (9/9/2010) we have a very good chance to sight the New Moon of Shawwal 1431H

  • Sweden:

    1. Eid declared: Tanzil Tiagi from Sweden reported: Islamic Federation of Sweden has declared that Eid Al-Fitr begins Friday 10th Sep (in accordance with Saudi).

  • Tunisia:

    1. Not Seen: Susanne Khammar from Tunisia reported: Religious officials announce that the new crescent could not be sighted anywhere in Tunisia on Wednesday, 8th September 2010. Therefore, Friday, 10th September 2010 will be the first day of Eid al-Fitr in Tunisia inscha'Allah after completing 30 days of Ramadhan.

  • UK:

    1. Not Seen: Mohammad Ali Javed (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported: On Wednesday, 8th September 2010, the new cresent could not be sighted in Luton, Bedfordshire because the sky was cloudy. I will look for the new cresent tomorrow (Thursday 9th September 2010). First of Shawaal 1431 should be on Friday 10th September 2010.

    2. Eid declared: Danyal Shoaib from London reported: The Coordination Committee of Major Islamic Centres and Mosques of London has agreed that Ramadan will be 30 days, and Eid ul-Fitr will be on Friday 10 September 2010.

    3. Eid declared: Hizbul Ulamaa from UK reported: Eid will take place on Friday 10th September 2010. Having not received any Shar�ee moon-sighting reports from here in the UK or Saudi Arabia, we, the Central moon-sighting Committee of Great Britain officially announce that Eid-ul-Fitr will now be celebrated in the UK on Friday 10th September 2010. Central Moonsighting Committee of Great Britain includes Dar-ul-Uloom Bury, Jamiat-ul-Ulama Britain & Hizbul-Ulama UK.

  • USA:

    1. Not Seen: Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) from Blacksburg VA reported: This evening (Wednesday, September 8, 2010), the crescent moon of Shawwal was not sighted in Blacksburg, VA, using a pair of (10X50) binoculars. I arrived at the sighting location at 7:13 (sunset: 7:39 pm EDT) and started looking for the crescent in the expected location with the sun to the right. I continued looking for the moon till 7:37 (moonset: 7:33 pm EDT). At 7:20 pm, the temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and pressure were 78.8 F, 51.8 F, 39%, and 30.02 in, respectively. The western horizon was partly cloudy with some haze.

    2. Not Seen: Tahir Mahmood (MCW member) from Alpharetta GA reported: On Wednesday, September 8, 2010 I did not see the moon in Alpharetta, GA, USA. I started to look for the moon from 7:35 p.m. - 7:50 p.m. (moonset time in my area). The sky was cloudy.

Thursday, 9 Septmber 2010:

  • Fiji Islands:

    1. Seen: Hafizud Dean Khan, National President Fiji Muslim League reported: The Fiji Muslim League advices its members that the NEW MOON HAS BEEN SIGHTED on Sep 9, therefore Eid-ul-Fitr will be celebrated on Friday 10th September 2010.

  • Australia:

    1. Seen: Engr Manzoor A Mian (MCW member) from Melbourne, VIC reported: Just to inform you that Shawal crescent has been sighted on Sep 9 in Australian cities Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Hence tomorrow 10/9/10 Friday will be Eidul Fitre in Australia according to moonsighting.

    2. Seen: Dr. Shabbir Ahmed (MCW member) Imam of Rooty Hill Mosque Sydney, NSW reported: Al-Hamdu Lillah, the Hilaal of SHAWWAAL 1431 has been sighted on Sep 9 in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and other states. The Hilaal Committee and Majlisul Ulamaa� of Australia have hence declared that the month of SHAWWAAL 1431 will commence from Friday 10th September 2010.

  • Bangladesh:

    1. Not Seen: ABM Ruhul Hassan (MCW member) from Dhaka reported: The Shwaal crescent was not seen from Bangladesh on 9 Sep, Thursday. The western horizon was partially cloudy in Dhaka but there were clear horizon in other parts of the country.The crescent altitude was at below 6 degree during sunset.we are going to observe Eid-ul-Fitr on 11 September,saturday in bangladesh.

    2. Not Seen: Engr. Azizul Huq (MCW member) from Dhaka reported: On 9th September, 2010 due to cloud in the Western horizon there was no chance to see the crescent moon of Shawwal in Dhaka sky. Within one hour of Magreb, Islamic Foundation of Bangladesh, the Official Moon Sighting Organisation, has also confirmed that moon was not visible any where within Bangladesh. So 30 days of Ramadan will be completed tomorrow and Eid al Fitr will be on Saturday 11th September 2010.

  • Barbados:

    1. Not Seen (but Trinidad sighting is accepted): Suleman Manjra (MCW member) reported: Due to overcast and cloudy conditions, it was not possible to see the moon in Barbados. However, we in Barbados will follow the sightings of neighbouring Trinidad and are celebrating Eid Ul Fitr on Friday 10th ending 29 days of Ramadhan.

  • Brunei:

    1. Seen: Mohd Aidil Sufian (MCW member) from Brunei Darussalam reported: I wish to inform you that Shawal crescent has been sighted in Brunei Darussalam this evening (09.09.2010) Eid will be on Friday 10.09.2009.

    2. Seen: Dr Mohammed Hussain Ahmad, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA) from Brunei Darussalam reported: Pleased to confirm that the hilal (new moon) of shawwal 1431 has been sighted in Brunei Darussalam on Sep 9, hence Eid al-Fitr will be tomorrow 10 September 2010.

  • Canada:

    1. Seen: Khurram Raza from Calgary, AB, Canada reported: I confirmed the moon sighting reports with Imam Mehdi Marjea Association of North America and Al Khoei Centre as well, they have a moon sighting commitee which has Alim from USA and Canada in it. Report from I.M.A.M is attached in this email and the report from Al Khoei Centre NY, USA can be seen at this website

    2. Not Seen: Baig Muhammad Tamachi (MCW member) from Peterborough Ontario reported: On Sep 9, Due to heavy cloud cover over the whole horizon, it was not possible to see the Hilaal.

    3. Not Seen: Hilal ibn Muhammad (MCW member) from Calgary Alberta reported: Today September 9, 2010 myself and another brother went to sight the new moon of Shawwal in Calgary Alberta Canada between 6:45pm until moonset 8:06pm local time, we did NOT see the moon. We used two binoculars 8x & 7x power also a telescope with 52x magnification. Conditions were cloudy but there were some clear breaks in the clouds between 6:45 until 7:30pm local time. InshaAllah our fasting was accepted by Allah subhanna wa talla.

  • Guyana:

    1. Seen: Dr. Muhammad Hafiz (MCW member) from Rose Hall Town, Berbice, reported: Due to rainy clouds on the horizon, Shawwal 1431 AH Hilaal observation was hindered at the Rose Hall Town Masjid on Thursday, 9th September, 2010. However, Br. Imran, President of MYO in Demerara, reported the Hilaal was observed by other Muslim communities in Guyana. Eid Ul Fitir for the majority of Muslims in Guyana will be on Friday, 10th September, 2010.

  • India:

    1. Not Seen: Iqbalhusen Bokda (MCW member) from Gujrat reported: Moon has not been seen here in Gujarat as weather is cloudy in the whole state. It has not been seen in almost al parts of India as our friends informed. I tried to contact to Bihar,Bengal, UP and other states, but report is negative.

    2. Not Seen (cloudy): Mohammed Mohsin Khan (MCW member) from Mumbai reported: Today Thursday 09 September 2010 / 29 Ramadaan 1431 in India. Here in Mumbai Sunset was at 06:47 p.m LT and Moonset was at 07:19 pm LT. Sky was cloudy hence Crescent has not been sighted in Mumbai City and in most Parts of India . Official Moon-Sighting Committee have officially announced that Friday 10 September 2010 will be 30 Ramadaan 1431 and Saturday 11 September 2010 will be 1st Shawwal 1431 (EID-ul-Fitr) in India. EID Mubarak to All Muslims.

    3. Seen: Mazhar Pallumirah (MCW member) from Chennai reported: On 9th September 2010, although the Shawal moon was not seen in chennai/india due to cloudy sky, but in costal towns like Thuthukodi the new moon was sighted. Based on this, Eid-fitr decalared here on 10th september 2010.

    4. Not Seen: Syed Thanveer Peeran (MCW member) from Coimbatore reported: On Thursday, September 09, 2010, We could not see the MOON in Coimbatore, India. We tried to look from sunset 1835Hrs to moonrise 1910Hrs , but could not see the moon. Skies were not clear it was partially cloudy here.

  • Indonesia:

    1. Not Seen (cloudy): AR Sugeng Riyadi (MCW member) from Surakarta, Java reported: The New Crescent of Syawwal 1431 AH was NOT SEEN from Bela-Belu Hill Yogyakarta - Indonesia, because the west horizon was totally cloudy on Thursday, 09th September 2010.

    2. Seen: Ajenar Kartika (MCW member) from East Jakarta reported: Government of Rep. of Indonesia has declared Eid Fitri 1431 H would be on Friday 10 Sep 2010. While we could not see the new moon during Sep 9 evening in Jakarta due to heavy rain along the afternoon, some people in other area in Indonesia has seen the new moon.

    3. Not Seen (But Fiji sighting is accepted): Ahmad I. Adjie (MCW member) from Bandung reported: Myself and team have NOT SEEN the hilal for Shawwal, today Thursday, Sep 9, 2010 due to total overcast of rain clouds. We sighted in the central hills of west Java near Purwakarta. Although we have not seen it ourselves, we will follow Fiji and Australia sightings, as it is more easterly and the same hemisphere with Indonesia. Eid-ak-Fitr will be Friday, 10th September 2010. Please note that our team uses a different calculated calendar based on real sightings, so Thursday was 29th Ramadhan for us as opposed to the Indonesian government calculated calendar, which states Thursday as the 30th of Ramadhan.

  • Iran:

    1. Seen: Mohamad Soltanolkotabi (MCW member) from Esfahan reported: Location: Esfarjan, Esfahan,Iran( 31.6 N, 51.9 E) Date: Thursday, Sep 9th 2010 Time zone: +3.5 Elevation: 2255m Elongation at the first observation time: 13.7 D Apparent Sunset: 19:16
      Members of the group: Mohamad Soltanolkottabi, Ahmadreza Karimi & Daryush Zolfaghari Rad
      Instruments: SXD-R200SS Vixen 8 inch Telescope, GPD2-R200SS Vixen 8 inch Telescope, 20*90 binoculars , 20*110 binoculars, Atmosphere: Superb, a very nice blue sky! Explanation : We used astronomical objects to lock our instruments on several positions where the new crescent would cross on the 9th. We were sure that the crescent would pass through the 20*110 binoculars at 9:37 , through the 20*90 at 15:54 & through the first telescope at 9:30 & through the second one at 11:00 Thursday. Mr. Zolfaghari Rad saw the crescent at 11:17 as the first observation through the GPD2-R200SS Vixen 8 inch Telescope. Mr. Soltanolkottabi saw it just after that at 11:18 . Mr. Soltanolkottabi hunted the crescent for the second time at 15:52 through the 20*90. We also tried to observe the Moon a few minutes before the sunset. Fortunately we were successful to see it through the 20*90 ! Mr. Karimi could see the Moon for the first time at 19:17 & then all of us could see the crescent for a few minutes.

  • Kenya:

    1. Seen: Jaffar Suleiman Mosheh (MCW member) from Mombasa reported: I am happy to reprt that i sighted the cresent today. it was thin and i was suspecting we would not see it because of the clouds that were lurking in the western skies but alhamdillah the whole of mombasa island was able to see it. I saw it from 18:40 till 18:48 having being sure that it was the hilal I called a colegue of mine and he too saw it so tomorrow the 10th of September will be the 1st of Shawwal 1431. Eid mubarak to you all.

    2. Seen: Mohamed Abdulrahman (MCW member) from Mombasa reported: I saw the moon on 9/9/2010 from 1834hrs to 1903hrs without any visual aids at location - Mombasa, Kenya. there were few clouds and the presence of orange coloured thin clouds increased the contrast hence making it easy for me and others to see it easily. orientation was 2 o'clock to 7 o'clock. there was general consensus about the seeing the crescent.

  • Kuwait:

    1. Not Seen (Fire Smoke): Abdulaziz Al-Sumait (MCW member) reported: On Sep 9, The weather in the suburb of Kuwait City was perfect for sighting Hilal Shawwal , but due to a fire produced smoke in the western horizon obscured the hilal even when I used the binocular I couldn't see it .

  • Malaysia:

    1. Seen: Zaki Afifi (MCW member) from Seremban reported: Hilal has been sighted in several locations in Malaysia on Thursday, Sep 9. This confirms that the first of Shawwal will be tomorrow (Friday)

    2. Seen: Mohd Fahmi Zakaria from Teluk Kemang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia reported: On Thursday, September 9, 2010, we (I, Mohd Fahmi Zakaria and Salim Azham saw the moon with naked eye at 7:37 pm.

  • Malawi:

    1. Seen: Muhammad Ausajah Jamal (MCW member) from Lilongwe reported: This is to inform you tht on Thursday, 09 Sept 2010 in Lilongwe, area 2 just outside from my house from garden we (two adult muslim) have clearly seen the moon becoz sky is clear n not any cloudy. The first time we saw at 5:57 and last I saw at 6:15. Here in Lilongwe, Malawi the sunset is at 5:42 So, tomorow 10,sept 2010 will be eid here in Malawi.

  • Mauritius:

    1. Seen: Samser Ameeruddeen (MCW member) from Port-Louis reported: On Sep 9, the Moon is seen by everyone in Mauritius with naked eye. It confirms exact specs as per web site. So Eid Incha Allah is tomorrow Friday 10th September.

    2. Seen: Goolam Tegally (MCW member) from Port Louis reported: Hilal was easily observed this evening Thursday 9 Sep in Mauritius in a clear sky. Eid-ul-Fitr will be celebrated on Friday 10 Sep.

  • New Zealand:

    1. Seen: Sadeed Zahid Tirmizey (MCW member) from Auckland reported: Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) has announced that moon has been sighted, therefore Eid-ul-Fitr in New Zealand will be celebrated on Friday, 10th Sep 2010.

  • Nigeria:

    1. Seen: Muhammed Yasin Qamardeen (MCW member) from Agege, Lagos reported: Alhamdulillah, The new Hilal of Shawwal was not visible here at Agege, Lagos due to Overwhelm overdcast however (I am about to send this report when Abu Aisha Called me, that New Hilal of shawwal was sighted at Amukoko an environ of lagos state) and in phone chat with Amir Lajinat Ilorin cities, he confirmed that it was raining in Ilorin hence they couldnt sight the hilal of shawwal. From Bauchi (Mallam Usman Dukku) and Abuja (Usman Mahmud) there are positive sighting from the respective places.
      Indeed I am the happiest person in the world for the simple reason that all my household will mark this eidul on the same day (i.e. Friday 10, September 2010). I pray Allah to bring happiness and tranquility to every home as we celebrate this eidul fitri 1431AH.

    2. Seen: Sheik A.A. Ishola (MCW member) from Ikorodu, Lagos reported: Youth of Muslim Jubilee Estate of Ikorodu Lagos State and I, tried to search for the Shawwal Crescent this evening after the sunset but we were unable to see the crescent due to the cloud but Possitive report came to us from Kano, Bauch and Abuja. Happy Eid to you all. Once again A big Kudos to the man, who gave Knowledge what it deserve, the Sultan of Sokoto Sa'ad Abubakr. This is the kind of Unity we are dreaming.

    3. Seen: AbdulBariu Kareem (MCW member) from Ikeja Lagos reported: On Sep.9,between 6:50-7:30pm here in Ikeja,the crescent was not sighted by me due to cloud sky in a telephone conversation with Qamardeen Yasin and A.Ishola the situation was the same but there are positive sighting report from other cities mostly from the north. We members of moonsighting committee are very happy that the false claimed of sighting yesterday was rejected by authority concern and all muslims in the country will celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr together on Friday 10th September 2010.

  • Pakistan:

    1. Seen: Jafar Kharazmi from Islamabad reported: Today, Sep 9 in the evening at about 18:25 we saw the new moon in Barakaho, Islamabad. It was very hard to see, but we managed to see it with naked eyes. Another Brother Syed Ali Zainuddin also saw it.

    2. Not Seen: Asif Hussain (MCW member) from Hyderabad reported: On Thursday 9th September 2010, I with my fellows at two different places in Hyderabad, Pakistan, tried to see the moon from sunset 06:36 pm to moonset 07:46 pm but moon was not seen. Skies were dusty and partialy cloudy. Therefore the 1st of shawwal 1431 hijri will be inshaALLAH on saturday 11th september 2010 (also declared by government officials through tv media). EID MUBARAK to all muslims all over the world.

    3. Not Seen: Sultan Alam (MCW member) from Karachi reported: Today (Thursday, 9 September 2010 = Pakistan: 29 Ramadhan 1431), I also requested many members of the moon-sighting committees of our institute "JAMIA-TUR-RASHEED" and many of my friends all over Pakistan to sight the moon but the moon could not be sighted. Generally the weather was cloudy and hazy but it was clear at many places. Our members tried to sight the crescent moon at nearly 60 places in all 4 provinces with many hundred persons.
      Note 1: Central official moon-sighting committee of Pakistan also announced that because they did not receive any positive report of moon sighting from all over Pakistan, therefore Friday 10th September 2010 is the 30th Ramadhan and Eidul-fitr (1st Shawwal 1431) will fall on Saturday 11 September 2010 in Pakistan.

    4. Not Seen: Khurram Imtiaz (MCW member) from Lahore reported: On September 09, 2010, there are heavy clouds , from noon, in Lahore.So we are unable to see Shawaal moon in Lahore. Also central moonsighting committee of Pakistan annouced the first Shawaal on September 11,2010.

  • Panama:

    1. Seen: Saleh Bhai Bhattay (MCW member) from Panama City reported: On Sep 9, moon was sighted in Panama. Tomorrow is Eid.

  • Qatar:

    1. Not Seen: Muhammad Imran Paracha (MCW member) reported: Today, Sep 9 in Doha, I tried to sight the moon after sunset for about 15-16 mins but couldn't find it. The sky was clear. Today was the 30th day of Ramadhan, and the Eid had already been announced for Friday.

  • Senegal:

    1. Seen: Ibrahima Thierno LO (MCW member) from Dakar reported: I have seen the crescent by naked eyes Thursday 9 September 2010 in Dakar - Senegal. The sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy. The Eid will be on Friday 10 September 2010.

  • Sri Lanka:

    1. Seen: Nular Bary (MCW member) from Colombo reported: Today 29th.of Ramadhan 1431H (9/9/10) evening the new Moon of Shawwal 1431H was sighted in several places in Sri Lanka "Mashaallah". Hence our Hilal Committee decided to celebrate the Eid dul Fithur on 10th Friday September 2010.

    2. Announcement: Rasheed Farook (MCW member) from Colombo reported: According to the Grand Mosque, Sri Lanka, Eid will be tomorrow Friday 10th Sept 2010.

  • South Africa:

    1. Seen: Rashid Motala (MCW member) from Durban reported: On Sep 9, the Hilaal was sighted in many locations in S. Africa this evening. An easy sighting.

    2. Seen: Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim (MCW member) from Cape Town reported: The Shawaal Hilaal was sighted by naked-eye in most of the north eastern areas of South Africa this Thursday evening [09/09/2010, and the end of the 29th Ramadaan 1431 AH]. I received confirmation of the sighting from reliable sources in Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Newcastle, and Nelspruit. In Southern Africa Eid ul Fitr will be observed on Friday, 10/09/2010. Cape Town had inclement weather and we could not sight the Hilaal. Nevertheless, some 20 000 Muslims gathered along the beach fronts attempting to catch sight of the Hilaal.

    3. Seen: Nazeer Asmal from Johannesburg reported: On Sep 9, the hilaal for Shawwal 1431 has been sighted in Johannesburg, South Africa. Although the western sky is partly cloudy, the hilaal is clearly visible without an aid. This confirms sightings from across the world, AL-HUMDULILLAH. Youmul-�Id will be celebrated on Friday 10th September.

  • Tanzania:

    1. Seen: Hamza Rijal (MCW member) from Island of Zanzibar reported: I am extremly glad to say that today, Sep 9, I have sighted Hilal for the month of Shawal. I have been with my son, brother-in-law and my freind. The sky was a bit hazy but we have managed to sight it and majority of Muslim in the island they have sighted too.

    2. Seen: Gulamabbas Khakoo (MCW member) from Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania reported: On Sep 9, I sighted the crescent with naked eye for the month of Shawwal here in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania on Sept. 9th, 2010 at 6:30pm local time. The crescent was on the left side of the sunset. There was scattered cloud. The top horn of the crescent was between 12 & 1 o'cclock and the bottom horn was closer to 7 o'clock. Sunset: 6:21pm Pressure: 29.92in Temp: 78 deg. F Humidity: 60 deg Visibility 19 m.p.h. Wind ESE 21 m.p.h

    3. Seen: Zaffar Sheriff (MCW member) from Daressalaam, Tanzania reported: On Sep 9, the crescent was SEEN at 6.25pm. Our group comprised of 15 people.
      Sunset 6.21pm Moonset 7.20pm Duration 59 min Altitude 13.2 Elong 17 Age 28h 51m

  • UK:

    1. Not Seen: Mohammad Ali Javed (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported: On Thursday, 9th September 2010, the new cresent was not sighted in Luton due to clouds. I looked for the moon from 18:50pm to 19:30pm (UK Time) but could not see the cresent due to clouds on that side. Eid-ul-Fitr to be celebrated on Friday 10th September 2010.

    2. Not Seen (Tathbit of Hilal based on Credible Easterly Sightings): Dr. Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti (MCW member) from Oxford reported: Negative local sighting. The three of us attempted to perform the obligatory sighting of Shawwal after Maghrib on Thursday 9 September (the 29th day of Ramadan for the UK). The horizon is partially cloudy and we were not able to sight the crescent. Still, we received news of positive sightings to the East of the UK from Indonesia and South Africa. This news, despite not being able to sight locally, makes it sufficient for those in the UK to celebrate their 'Id al-Fitr tomorrow, on Friday 10 September, by following the basic rule [dabit] in Islamic Law in this matter that whenever it is known that the crescent has been positively sighted in the East, westerly sighting inevitably follows, but not the other way round.

    3. Not Seen: Mahboob Muhammad (MCW member) from Bolton Lancshire reported: On Thursday, Sep 9, I was accompanied by brothers who follow Saudi Arabia who came for educational purpose (Brothers; Idris Hakim, Hanif Munshi, Samir Umarji, Abdul Samad Taiyabah Masjid Bolton and some brothers from Masjid-e-Uthman Bolton; Ilyas Khonat and Ayub Patel). Even though the moon was meant to set at 7:30pm GMT and sunset was at 7:41pm GMT, Azimuth 258 degrees South West, we still tried sighting with clouds in the back of the horizon but some clear skies were around. However all of us found negative sighting. I will follow others taking the sighting from South Africa as a basis for Eid ul Fitr on 10th of September.

  • USA:

    1. Seen: Mohamedraza H.Janmohamed (MCW member) from Sanford FL reported: Based on the sighting of the new Crescent in Tampa, Florida and around, EID-UL-FITR, the FIRST DAY of Mahe Shawaal 1431 AH is established as FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2010

    2. Seen: Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) from Blacksburg VA reported: I am pleased to let you know that: Today (Thursday, September 09, 2010), my wife, daughter, and I were able to sight the moon first by using a pair of 7X50 binoculars and then by naked eye in Blacksburg, VA. The first binocular sighting was at 2:30 pm (sunset 7:38 pm EDT; moonset 8:06 pm) soon followed by naked eye sighting. To find the moon location, I used the Sky & Telescope Interactive Sky Chart. The moon was about 15 degrees to the lower left of the sun (the sun was blocked by our house). The horns were at 12:30 and 4:30 O'clock (12:30;3:00;4:30). At 2:40 pm, the temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and pressure were 80.6 F, 51.8 F, 37%, and 30.2 in, respectively. The sky was mostly clear. Eid mubaarak.

    3. Not Seen: Tahir Mahmood (MCW member) from Alpharetta GA reported: On Thursday, September 9, 2010 I did not see the moon in Alpharetta, GA, USA. I started to look for the moon from 7:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. The moonset time in my area is 8:25p.m. The sky was cloudy.

    4. Not Seen: Ms. Ruth Jeffery (MCW member) from Baton Rouge LA reported: Despite diligent efforts from 7:18 to after 8:00 p.m. there was no sighting in Baton Rouge, LA on Thursday, Sept. 9th - skies were mostly cloudy with some movement during this time span, but no sighting was possible.

    5. Not Seen (but seen other places): Temoor Shouib from Chicago reported: Today after Maghrib we were unable to see the moon in Chicago Illinois. The sky was partly cloudy. However, the Chicago suburban Eid committee have made the following announcement - Eid Mubarak! The moon was sighted in several places including multiple locations in Florida and Texas on Thursday, September 9, 2010 (Ramadan 29, 1431). Eid-ul-Fitr (Shawwal 1, 1431) will be Friday, September 10, 2010. The Chicago Hilal Committee wishes everyone a blessed Eid!

    6. Seen: Reza Shan Zaveri from Houston, TX reported: I saw the moon in Houston, Texas at 7:45 pm. I live in the NW area. By around 7:50 pm, the moon was no where to be seen.

    7. Seen: Mustafa Eroglu (MCW member) from Denver, CO reported: I have witnessed the thin crescent moon at approximately 7:30 pm in Denver, CO USA today (Thursday September 9). The moon set was at 7:44 and the location of the moon in the sky was determined using interactive skymaps. It was very faint yet discernable to the naked eye. My brother also saw the crescent moon. Eid Mubarak!

    8. Seen: Mohammed Yahya Shaikh (MCW member) from Playa Del Rey CA reported: Allhamudulliah the hilal for Shawal was seen today in Playa Del Rey, CA by 6 brothers. It was first sighted by naked eye at 7:15 PM and was still visible 10 minutes after the first sighting. The Arc were between 1:30 and 5:30 and the altitutde was approximately 6 degrees.

    9. Not Seen: Muzzammil Dadabhoy (MCW member) from Laguna Beach CA reported: I went to Laguna Beach for the sighting. Myself, along with another Muslim brother got there around 6:30 (Maghrib was a little after 7), and stayed till 7:30 on Thursday, the 9th of September. We were on the coast overlooking the Western Horizon over the Pacific Ocean. The skies were clear, however, there were a few scattered clouds over the Western Horizon around the setting sun. There was a normal haze in the distant horizon. We were unable to sight the moon for the duration we were there for.

OFFICIAL 1st Day of Shawwal in Different Countries

September 9, 2010 (Thursday):

  1. Dearborn, MI, USA, Fatwa from Ayatuallah Sheikh Abdullatif Berry
  2. European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) - Calculations
  3. Libya (Calculations)
  4. Turkey (Official Announcement)

September 10, 2010 (Friday):

  1. Ageria (30 days complete)
  2. Canada (Muslim Association of Canada - 30 day completion)
  3. Canada (Fatwa of Grand Ayatollah Hosseini Nassab)
  4. France (Official Announcement)
  5. Indonesia (sighting - Official Announcement)
  6. Iran (sighting - Official Announcement)
  7. Ireland (Follow Saudi)
  8. Jordan (Follow Saudi)
  9. Kazakhstan (Follow Saudi)
  10. Kuwait (Follow Saudi)
  11. Kyrgyzstan (Follow Saudi)
  12. Lebanon (Follow Saudi)
  13. Luxembourg (Follow European Council)
  14. Mauritius (Local Sighting)
  15. Netherlands (Follow Saudi)
  16. Nigeria (30 days complete)
  17. Palestine (Follow Saudi)
  18. Qatar (Follow Saudi)
  19. Saudi Arabia (30 days complete)
  20. Spain (30 days complete)
  21. Sri Lanka (Local Sighting)
  22. Sudan (Follow Saudi)
  23. Sweden (Follow Saudi)
  24. Syria (Follow Saudi)
  25. Tadjikistan (Follow Saudi)
  26. Taiwan (Follow Saudi)
  27. Tunisia (30 days complete)
  28. Turkmenistan (Follow Saudi)
  29. UAE (Follow Saudi)
  30. UK (30 days complete)
  31. USA (Calculations) [FCNA, ISNA]
  32. Uzbekistan (Follow Saudi)
  33. Yemen (Follow Saudi)

September 11, 2010 (Saturday):

  1. Bangladesh (Local Sighting)
  2. India (Local Sighting)
  3. Pakistan (Local Sighting)

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